Yesterday a lady and her husband came to visit me about keeping their 15 week old baby boy. It went well at first, then enter Louie, our Siamese Cat. He is about the most docile and friendly creature on four legs if I do say so myself. They were concerned about him being in the same room as their baby if he were to stay with me. Now, I know that all people are not cat people but come on... Would you be scared by this???
All that superstition about cats taking the baby's breath is just nonsense. When I was pregnant with Harrison people actually asked me if we were going to get rid of our cat (not Louie, but another Siamese we had that has since passed away, Nigel). Uh, NO! They are my four legged babies. I don't buy into all that hoopla about cats and babies. Louie wouldn't hurt a fly. Now, he might do some damage to the cave crickets (Sprickets) that live in my basement, but not a baby. He loves my kids and they love him. He is most tolerant of being picked on my the two 1 1/2 year olds I keep and they do like to pick at him. Mostly tail pulling.
Oh well, to each his own I guess. I have met a lot of strange cases in this business. I am convinced that some people just need to suck it up and stay home with their own children because NO ONE will ever measure up to their standards and it is not fair to expect someone to. I was actually asked if the cat would be in another room while the baby was here if they were to chose me. Uh, just how would I make that happen? Really, I have no hard feelings toward this couple. They were at least honest with me from the start, which is WAY MORE than I have gotten out of some people. I just thought it was funny. They have a dog, but it stays outside. Probably a Pit Bull. Anyway, good luck to them in their search for the perfect childcare provider. I am way better off without uptight people. I just don't need the drama!!
"Probably a pit bull." LOLOLOLOL!!!
I am NOT a racist person, but they were african american. Very nice couple. It seems a lot of AA's like Pit Bulls. Am I wrong?? Or a big bad rotwheiler. I will probably be assasinated for typing this...
Oh, I don't know. I have no idea. ????? I just thought it was funny that you mentioned a dog like that when they were concerned about your little cat. haha
Chris thinks I shouldn't post these types of things. I told him, it was my blog and I would say what I needed to say. Right or wrong. I would NEVER mention names. Louie is a sweet kitty. He sleeps with me, under the covers at night! LOL. Your original comment to this post cracked me up.
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