We've had a dry spell the past few weeks and boy was the rain we woke up to this morning a site for sore eyes. Thanks to Hurricane Hannah, our grass got watered and so did my kids! I guess they had forgotten what rain looked like. They were so excited, by 8 am they were both outside in raincoats, crocs and umbrellas having a ball. Harrison did have on pants, the coat just covered them! They played in the puddles and danced in the rain for about an hour before I called them inside to get dry. They were soaked! Here are some photos from the morning.
She could be the new cover model for Morton's Salt!
Standing in the rain, contemplating their next plan of action! Harrison looks like a mini flasher.
My favorite photo. She just looks so happy and carefree. Ahhh, if we could all be this happy all the time, we would have world peace!
No bath needed tonight!! They got one in the rain! They were both soaked.
Coming in to get dry. Harrison was still playing. He is so hard to get on camera!
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