Monday, June 30, 2008
Photobooks and such
My two little guppies

Hanging on for dear life

Swimming to Grandma. Her backside sinks like a ton of lead.
Looks like she is struggling (she wasn't). I guess I could have put the camera down to "save" her. LOL
Can't you just see the fins sprouting from him??

Armed and dangerous!!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
How to NOT be a good neighbor
Today, my neighbor tells us that the proverbial poopy has hit the fan and they had an all out feud about the boat, words and looks were exchanged and he basically told him that all of his neighbors were sick and tired of his crap and that it broke zoning laws and to MOVE IT once and for all. He took it to his parents house, where it use to reside before all of this anyway. The nerve. You just can't take the "red" out of some people I suppose. He needs a lesson on how to be a good neighbor. We will probably all have our tires slit tomorrow morning.
51 Things About Me...
1. Do you like blue cheese? Depends on what it is on. I kinda do like the pungent flavor a little
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? NO NO NO.
3. Do you own a gun? No
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic? Usually just get a coke, but want to try the cherry lime-aides sometimes.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? I have white coat syndrome, but I don't usually feel like I am nervous
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Good the first time but not when you get indigestion from them. Only like Pork hot dogs, no beef for me!
7. Favorite Christmas movie? Humm, not sure. My hubby likes "A Christmas Story" and I am forced to watch it repeadetly every year. I like the claymation cartoons.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coke, from a fountain. I am trying hard to change this bad bad habit.
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? I don't really have one. I suppose my wedding set.
11. Favorite hobby? Scrapbooking, but i rarely have time to work on it these days.
12. Do you have A.D.D.? Depends on who you ask.
13. What is one trait you hate about yourself? can't follow thru on things. Maybe i do have ADD. I am also VERY messy around the house. Would love to become a neat freak.
14. What's your middle name? Dianne
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: I wish i could start feeling better and stop being sick all the time. I wish i had energy to clean my house top to bottom. I am hungry.
17. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Coke, juice, and trying to add water to that.
18. Current worry? my health
19. Current hate right now? My messy house.
20. Favorite place to be? at the beach, any beach.
21. How did you bring in the New Year? at home watching the kids trying to stay awake for the ball drop. THey didn't make it.
22. Where would you like to go? Ireland
23. Name three people who will complete this? Not sure
24. Do you own slippers? Several pair.
26. What year would you go back in time to? 2000
27. Can you whistle? Sometimes
28. Favorite color? Green
29. Would you be a pirate? Nope
30. What songs do you sing in the shower? Don't have a shower (yeah, it DOES suck)
33. What's in your pocket right now? Nothing
34. Last thing that made you laugh? Maia acting silly today at the pool.
36. Worst injury you've ever had? Banged up head after a church bus accident when I was 10. I had knots and bruises and cuts all over my face and head.
37. Do you love where you live? Yeah, I just wish i had time and money to really revamp my old 1920's house to the way i envision it to be.
38. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3
39. Who is your loudest friend? Adrienne
40. How many dogs do you have? No dogs, but want a small dog someday.
41. Does someone have a crush on you? Don't know.
42. What is your favorite book(s)? Chick Lit. Don't have a particular title, though I did really really like "If Only it were True" by Marc Levy. (the movie Just like Heaven was based on this)
43. What is your favorite candy? Kit Kats
44. Favorite Sports Team? Don't really have one. Not a big sports fan.
45. What is your favorite meal? Mom's crunchy chicken and mac and cheese.
46. What were you doing 12 AM last night? Sleeping. I have been soooo sick!
47. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Hope I feel better today.
48. Any odd habits? Probably too many to list.
50. Favorite Kitchen applicance: What's a kitchen?
51. If you could live anyplace where would it be? Probably right where I am or in one of the Carolina's.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Quote of the Week...
- Nelson Mandela
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
One Year Ago...June 2007
Maia holding her new kitty. Looks like he is trying to escape. It is funny to see how much the kids have grown in a year as well!
I love this photo of Harrison and Louie sleeping. Spoiled Louie still likes to cuddle with either me or Harrison at night, all night, under the covers. The Shelter we rescued Louie from actually published this photo in their newsletter to show successful rescue.
Amos, our 2 year old at the time, cat playing with his new bro' Louie. The size difference is hilarious to me. Louie wouldn't back down either.
Harrison looking cooler than ever in his shark goggles at the pool. So serious...
Not really sure what Harrison's plan was here, but I don't normally let him be such a dare devil. I am pretty sure this photo wouldn't win me the mother of the year award. I think he was going to try to jump off the stool with the thought that the umbrella would act like a parachute. I had to curtail this event...
So, there it is. One year ago, June 2007. Maia didn't make too many appearances that month. She was going thru her "I will NOT be photographed" phase if I recall correctly.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Lions and Tigers and Bears...

This elephant gave new meaning to the word "mud bath". This is NOT his natural color. Gotta love Virginia Clay.
Harrison and some of his classmates monkeying around after our picnic.
We happened to be at the bear cage at feeding time. Let me tell you, these bears can throw down on a watermelon. It was quite a sight to behold. Amazingly, they don't eat the rind, only the sweet red center.
This guy rocked. Don't you just love the expression??? Dude, I know how you feel...
Harrison and my charge for the day, his buddy, Jovan.
Yay, its my Birthday...
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Street Parking Etiquette
Last night I arrive home at approximately 10pm to find a big big boat on a trailer parked smack dab in front of my house. Where my van ALWAYS parks. Go figure. The owner of this boat has a house three down from mine on the same side of the street that also happens to have a HUGE private driveway. This neighbor also runs a business from home and has his work vans parked all over the street as well. I have already had to ask him to move these vehicles in the past. He also blocks up a good portion of the access road/alley behind the houses on my side of the street. I am not sure, but I think the city would have a problem with that one. He currently parks a flat bed pull behind type thingie on the street that runs perpendicular to our street. I can't figure out WHY he thinks it is a good idea to leave his boat in front of my house?? RUDE?? Yeah! Right now, I have pulled my van up as close as I can get without touching the blades on the motor. We have been advised to park Chris's car as close to the front as we can get. Mind you, I have parents that drop off and pick up their kids and need somewhere to stop their car. Right now, there is no where for them to stop that is close to my house.
Chris and I have said this guy needs to move it to the country. He has far to many toys and cars that occupy a city street. Did I mention the three wheelers?? Am I passive aggressive? You bet your arse. My hope is that once we get our cars in place, he will want to get his boat out. That will teach him a lesson.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Next Tony Hawk??

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Harrison has a Girlfriend

I thought this was a good shot of Harrison, sitting on the edge of the fish pond.
Another "pose" of Harrison sitting in the grass. Maybe he sat still because he want to look cute for Brooke, who knows. After I took all these photos, I discovered that my lens was foggy, thus the shadow across all of them. Sucks.
Maia sitting in the front yard of my In-Laws house. They live on a mountain and it has these great rocks that shoot up out of the ground. It is really pretty.
Harrison trying to find his snake skin that was behind the rock.
Look, he found it! Gross. Only a boy would hold on to this like a prized possession. Where there is a skin, there is a snake with a new skin. NO THANKS!!