Sunday, November 23, 2008

Do You Hear What I Hear????

Today was our big debut in church. "Our" refers to the children, ranging in age from 4-10, and myself, the "leader" so to speak of the children's handbell choir. We are not talking rocket science, as no real musical skill is required to teach the kids the color coded Kristal Bell Method. I am pretty sure I have referenced them before so I will spare you the link. The kids were a-OK with playing, I on the other hand, was a bit rattled about their performance. My good buddy Helen assisted me since she has a little more experience with this sort of thing than I do. And, Shirley. Sweet Shirley, who has been teaching the little people of our church since I was a little person. She taught me.

Around 10:30 we corralled the kiddo's up to the sanctuary for a quick run through of our Thanksgiving Day song, We Gather Together. I was a bit nervous based on the practice alone. The kids were AWFUL. Like someone fed the all Speed then sent them off to church, mine included. No one was listening, they were arguing over which color bell they were going to play, playing around on the stairs, running around, talking, goofing off in general. I was worried. After we got the coordination of the thing worked out I felt a bit better. This is where I am clueless. I don't know how things "flow" in worship. I was scared the cards would stick together, thus throwing off the song.

My fears were unwarranted. The kids managed to pull themselves together, somewhat. (Hey, they ARE kids, after all!) and thanks to Helen's brilliant idea of putting the bells in a basket for them to grab one, then returning them to the same spot, it went off without a hitch. I do wish I had thought to video it. There were some comical moments. Harrison shaking his bell like a mad man, two little ones in the front being silly and feeding off the laughter from the pews, and then my darling daughter screaming "Harrison!" mid-song, were just a few. You had to be there. They sounded great and were so cute. I dare to say, they were a hit! After they played for the offering, we shuttled them back downstairs to Children's Worship, led by Mrs. Patty.

I feel better having one performance behind me. I guess I was just scared of how it all comes together in the end, but it as great and I am so glad I agreed to take on this project when Mrs. Carol, the former Minister's wife, left to move to Texas with the family. I think she would have been proud!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I thought they were fabulous and so were you! Thank you so much for stepping up to the plate and taking on this ministry - our children love it!